Based on the two corners of the state Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. Dr. Vedant Tripathi, 29 years old hails from Allahabad, officially known as Prayagraja Uttar Pradesh. Gynecologist by profession, successful, handsome, kind, and rich. He doesn't have a full fledged family, in his family he only has his dadu, dadi, and a supercool nani. He loved them all, his parents passed away when he was 12 in an accident. He has many female followings some are into him for his good looks, some are into him for his richie rich background, but none of them were able to but no one could reach his heart. His grandparents were trying hard to get him married, well why not? he is in his late twenties. Everyone is following their own wish but no one knows the condition of his heart. When Vedant was in his college he used have a crush on a girl named Mahira, she used to give him signals and later they were friends then one day with great courage he spoke his heart to her. Only to be mercilessly broken by her. And now he has closed the doors of his heart in such a way that now hardly anyone can make a place in his heart. Aashi Bhatnagar 20 years old, hails from Jabalpur Madhya Pradesh. A cute, bubbly, beautiful, chirpy college going student living her life to the fullest. She believes in love and she has a hope that one there will come a prince charming for her and take her heart away. In her family there is no one apart from her two best friends and a neighbor aunty whom she find very stupid and funny. Her parents are divorced and they does not have any kind of affection towards their only daughter hence, she is craving for family and love. She is studying economics and works as a volunteer in NGOs and Orphanages.
Amay ~ Her Twist of Fate
"You are not supposed to marry me", she said while having tears in her eyes and anger in her voice He looked at her with a longing gaze trying to find the love and passion in her eyes for him. "I know, I am not the one for you when your heart is yearning for someone else", he says with a trembling voice trying very hard not to spill tears in front of her "Still you married me, mark my words I don't believe in this marriage and you are my husband for the outer world but in these walls you are nothing but a stranger to me". saying this she ran away towards the bathroom. ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ Suman Mehrotra 26 years old A primary teacher by profession ⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕⁕ Amay Shekhawat 30 years old A Hotelier by Profession
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