In her dream, the sweet and beautiful girl found herself walking in a meadow filled with colorful flowers. The sun was setting, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape. As she walked, she heard a soft rustling in the bushes. Her heart skipped a beat as a handsome prince charming emerged from the foliage. He was dressed in a dashing suit of armor, complete with a shining sword at his side. His eyes locked onto hers, and she felt a warmth spread through her body. Without a word, the prince charming took her hand and led her to a nearby pond.
I write because I am passionate about it and this platform will give me the opportunity to express my emotions through the stories.
Stories are the best way to pull out your imagination in the characters and plot.
For me writing is the medium of escapism and the indulgence into the world of stories and imagination.
I am here to provide some good, subtle stories within my capacity and some deep conversations.
Imagination is the essence of life, without imagination creativity doesn't appear. For me writing is that creativity in which I can indulge my imagination however I want.
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